Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Digital Portfolio

With a lot of patience and great help from some loved ones-or one-I've just finished my Digital Portfolio! Give it a look, especially if you're connected to a school district that's hiring!
(Hint: Click the picture!)

Uniquely ME!

As I've been cramming to finish my senior thesis paper for my Albright College honors graduation credit, I was browsing around on the Girls Scouts & Dove "uniquely ME!" campaign site. I ran across a video I remember seeing at a conference a few years ago. Take a look!

Monday, April 20, 2009

Senior Spotlight

I recently just submitted some answers for a "Senior Spotlight" section in my college's upcoming newspaper publication. These past few weeks have been so emotional, thinking about graduating and leaving my friends at school. Although I haven't had time to record my thoughts here regarding the mess of things that are going on in my life now, I thought that including some of my answers here would be more than appropriate. Enjoy!

Senior Spotlight Survey

Name: Melissa Jaworski (MJ)

Major: Elementary Education/Psychology

Hometown: Schwenksville, PA

After Graduation Plans:

Five days after graduation, my fiancĂ© and I will fly out to Arizona to pursue internships at a mega-church of 10,000 people in Phoenix. Upon completing our programs, he’ll return to school at Eastern University while I sign on with Campus Outreach Services, an agency that aims to promote safe and healthy decisions in teens and young adults around the nation. If all goes well, I’ll be speaking to students across America about topics concerning dating, body image, diversity, etc. I’ll be substituting on the side for a bit of extra cash too! Come May 2010, I’ll be “Melissa Flora” (from MJ to MF-go figure), and my husband Adam and I will set off together to continue our adventure of life!

What will you miss most about Albright?

EVERYTHING! A better question is, “What WON’T I miss is a better question?” From beautiful days on campus to chaotic gatherings in the campus center, I’ll miss being within Albright’s culture 24-7. I’ll miss never again getting to give another Albright tour or the opportunity to sit on a student panel at an Open House. I’ll miss riding the pony with my POPs to gathering in the Campus Center for experience events, conferences, and meetings. I’ll miss late nights at the library, early morning workouts in the Schumo, and every administrator, faculty, and student with whom I built relationships with throughout my years at Albright. Yes, I’ll even miss the cafeteria food, especially the pineapples and the cookies. Most of all, though, I’ll miss being called an “Albright student,” knowing my experience at Albright will never again be the same.

What advice would you give to an incoming freshmen?

College is such an emotional time. Some of us are so excited to “start over” with new friends and opportunities, while others of us are greatly missing boyfriends and our favorite hometown hang out spots. When you come to college, it’s a new opportunity, so embrace it! Your college experience will only be as great as you allow it to be. Make the most of your time at Albright through opportunities and friendship; take risks, challenge yourself, and live your experience without any regrets!

How do you want to be remembered after you graduate?

I suppose I want to remembered just as I am now: as spunky, energetic, fun-loving, and caring MJ. “THAT’S ME!” (Pointing to myself as Amanda Bynes of Nickelodeon’s All That.) I want to be remembered as someone who loves opportunities, love adventures, and most of all, loves people, especially Albright’s people.

If you had three wishes, what would they be?

1. Is it cheating to wish for an infinite amount of wishes?

2. I would wish that Brian Dawkins is still a Philadelphia Eagle.

2. I would wish that every person would experience the joy of genuinely being loved and

loving themselves.

If you could go back to when you were a freshmen, what would you do differently?

-I would not have let my insecurities get the best of me when choosing to join organizations, lead peers, and be open-minded to new friendships. Specifically, I wouldn’t have dropped pledging a sorority. I would have applied to become an RA. I would have worked at Albright for conferences during the summer, and I would have randomly sat at any lunch table during meals to build friendships with people.

Where do you see yourself in 10 years?

In 10 years, I see myself as old. I’ll be 32-yuck. On the positive side, I see myself as very happily married, cultured by traveling around the world, educated with at least a Master’s Degree, and an upcoming national public speaker. Wow, I’ll probably be a mom, too. Next question, please?

What is your favorite experience at Albright College?

Honestly, there are too many to list. I know that leaving Albright won’t be one of them.

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Picture Perfect!

As I walked through my apartment door earlier tonight, I was greeted by two of my roommates who were excited to share a "fun fact" with me! Check out Albright's latest advertisement! It's picture perfect with all three of us together!