Although exciting, it's easy to become quickly overwhelmed with "all there is to do" after relaxing for a bit during the Christmas Vacation. (That's even more true for us teachers who are fortunate enough to celebrate with 12 days off from Christmas Eve to after New Years!) Already I have vowed to (once again, for the third year in a row) try and read the whole Bible in a year. (So far, so good!) I've set fitness goals (The wedding's in less than 6 months), professional goals (that's easy as a 1st year), and emotional goals (practice a Sabbath, relax, stress causes wrinkles!).
The New Year also presents a wonderful opportunity for each of us to reflect. We can reflect on our past year; achievements we've accomplished, adventures we'd love to relive, and people who've impacted our hearts. I've had a wonderful 2009. Adam proposed on February 15th. On May 24th, I graduated from Albright. In June, I ventured to the West with my fiance for the first time. In August, I was asked to return to Reading, Pennsylvania as a 4th grade teacher. I've gotten to spend hours rebuilding relationships with my close friends and family. I am so, so grateful.
Many of you know that it's not easy for me to sit and reflect. As a teacher who thrives on multitasking and practicing efficiency for every hour on and off the clock, my profession doesn't help this flaw! Yet, in those few moments when I can embrace silence, moments in the car, right before bed, I can never help but smile at just how fortunate I am. It was just a few days ago, while riding in the car, when I thought-for about the dozenth time, "I absolutely adore my job (more so, the students I get to teach) and I couldn't imagine-nor would I want to imagine-myself anywhere else for this year."
Psalm 37:4
Delight yourself in the LORD and he will give you the desires of your heart.
And so I realize, I am who I am, I love what I do, because I've been created by a God who loves me a thousand-times more than any reflection of 2009 or excitement for 2010 can bring. Wow. What a God.
It's funny, too. For the most part, I didn't even know what those desires were when making my 2009 resolutions and goals a year ago. Nor, while bumping through the "ups" and "downs" of my 2009 roller-coaster ride, did I realize that later, I'd gratefully reflect on the ride.
I have a funny feeling that I'm in for a similar surprise in 2010
I can't wait for the journey.