I bet you all thought that I was giving up on this blog-posting, hunh?
Truth be told, I've had a pretty hard last few weeks.
With little time to myself, a maximum number of transitions, and the felt pressure to emotionally disconnect with people from one environment so that I can mentally prepare myself to reconnect with people from another environment, I've become ignorant to my blogger reputation.
I wish I hadn't.
For the past few weeks, as I've been wrapping up my internship at Christ's Church of the Valley, as I've dove head-deep into my final year of orientation at Albright College, and as I've moved myself and my roommates into my on-campus apartment for my year, I've spotted myself quickly-and easily-confessing that "I don't have time to blog."
But honestly, who really has time to blog?
If it's not transitioning from an internship or moving back into school, it'll be starting a new job or finding ways to restructure my schedule to fit the needs of my family in the future. It's easy to excuse one's self for "not having time" with the hustle and bustle of college living, however, it's not the "college living" that restricts my time-it's ANYTHING! I'm always going to have to learn to deal with the difficulty of time management.
That includes holding myself accountable for the responsibilities that weave within those different transitions.
So, I'm making a re-commitment to blog. Knowing the time that is necessary to transition into my "school mode," I do not foresee my blogging activity exceeding a few (perhaps two?) times a week. However, also knowing that its a great way to keep in contact with family and friends (as well as to network), I hope that I can increase my goal before the end of the semester.
Although the topics may shift a big (a little less about ministry and a little more about the anxieties of juggling college-living), I'm excited about the ways in which I can continue to reflect upon my growth as as individual through this writing opportunity.
Won't you join me (again) in this adventure?
I look forward to posting again soon!
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