Sunday, August 3, 2008

I've got a vision

I had a vision today.

...about what a children's ministry could be like.

Kids could be greeted with a wide variety of "walk in activities"
Kids could become energized by the large group stage games, mixers, and ice-breakers
Kids could worship to God by song, dance, and motions-or any combination of the three!
Kids could feel as if they're watching a story unfold-like a movie-by watching live drama and acting of stories that relive bible verses, themes, and scenarios
Kids would enjoy the unique opportunity of small group time to understand what it means to know God and to be a Christ follower.

What if kids would love to bring their friends to church?

What if kids started to want to help leading small groups, help acting in the dramas, and help leading worship because of the joy that it's brought them?

What if children's childlike faith began to become alive?

It's happening. God's moving-fast. He now just needs people who share the vision.

"And whoever welcomes a little child like this in my name welcomes me." [Matthew 18:5]

1 comment:

Andrew, your friendly Disciple of Christ said...

haha, sounds like someone was at kids camp to me