I'm quickly learning that I'm very, very fortunate that some day is still a good time away.
This past week, I've had the pleasure of stepping in as a "house-mom" for a family while the parents are on vacation. (We all discussed that neither "nanny" nor "babysitter" is a cool name.) It didn't take long for me to discover that although I love children and teenagers, I still have very much to learn about parenting.

Here are three key insights that I'm making sure to tuck under my belt:
1. No matter how many times I'll clean the house, it will never be clean enough.
Knowing that the parents of the family that I'm sitting are returning home in a few days, I thought it would be wise to get a head start on a "house-wide" clean up. I spent the better part of this morning running dishes in the dishwasher, loading and folding baskets of laundry, emptying the trash cans, and picking up clothes, games, and "stuff" around the house. In a matter of three hours later, I found the house (again) covered in (this time) stuffed animals, food wrappings, and soccer gear. So much for my morning! I'll save the house-wide clean-up for the day they return!
2. Parents spend a lot of time "being parents."
Kids and teenagers in the United States are BUSY, and so are their moms and dads! It sure takes a lot of time for parents to get kids ready for camps in the morning, run teens to and from sports practices, find ways to entertain, feed, discipline, guide, teach, love, etc, etc. ETC! I'm afraid it never stops!
3. Being a parent means giving up a lot of self time.
This is definitely the insight that most helps me understand that I am FAR from ready to settle down and have kids! I've always known that I didn't want to have children until I was 30-did I mention that has now changed to 35? Just kidding-I'm not really wrapped up in ages. I do know though, that I need a lot of time to experience life for myself-discovering my passions, learning how to live on my own (before I live for others), traveling, and falling more in love each day with my future husband (I know, I'm a romantic). Parents certainly sacrifice a lot of personal time and comfort to best provide for their children.
Parenting is some job! I certainly appreciate my parents so much for the time, dedication, and love that they've poured into me throughout the years. If you're a parent reading today, YOU ARE SUCH A BLESSING TO YOUR CHILD'S LIFE! I'm sure it's easy to forget that when caught up in the busyness of schedules, meals, and weekend sleepovers. You are some of the most tangible vessels God has to reach His children. What a responsibility...and an honor!
1 comment:
AHHH! It's so nice to be appreciated...Being a mom is a labor of LOVE!...It wraps itself around your heart...and never lets go...even if the children do!...I would'nt have it any other way!
Mom...with BIG Love!
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