When I was driving my familiar route back "home" to Albright last night after a satisfying Eagles win, I couldn't believe that I was returning to school from...well, what has been my very last break. "Already?" I pondered. Oh, why does it always seem like our college breaks last "forever" until we find ourselves shoving clothes into bags the day before we're to return, wondering how the time passed so quickly?
The truth is, I'm actually returning to college three weeks early.
The reason I've returned so early is because I've chosen to take my last course of my college requirements during what Albright refers to as an "interim" period; essentially, a three-week January session. The spring semester doesn't begin until January 26th, so, until then, a few hundred students have chosen to return to Albright's campus to practice for a sport's team, work an on-campus job, or sneak in an extra class (class are held for 3 consecutive hours each day).
I absolutely love "interim" at Albright.
When I was a freshman, I didn't return during Albright's interim time; thinking that instead, I'd want to celebrate the extended break with my family. I remember working, scrap-booking, hanging out with friends, and then, being very, very bored. Understanding that I'm a person who loves to "always be doing something," I vouched to never have that long of a break again! Every year since then, I've made sure to sign up for an interim course.
The beauty of interim at Albright is that it's a comfortable "in-between" transition from break to the spring semester. With only taking one course either in the morning or evening, students are free to collect green, catch up with friends, or have time to themselves to enjoy personal activities like reading, watching movies, or sleeping! For me, the start of interim was refreshing as I thrived off of jumping back into my "usual routine." I was excited to be running my usual three miles at 7am this morning, jumping in the shower by 8:10am, and walking into the campus center by 8:45am to grab a bagel before my 9am class. Having a chance to eat lunch with friends by 12:30pm, my afternoon quickly filled with a meeting at the career center at 1pm, research in the library at 2pm, shopping at Walmart until 4pm, some organizing, homework, dinner, a quick nap all before hanging with friends at 7:30pm. I even had a chance to "relax" with my roommate as she watched TV and I read New Moon, the second book of the Twilight saga.
Early mornings, busy afternoons, schedules, I just love it. (Not all the time. There are times to relax "schedule-less" of course!)
I'm excited about my 2009 interim course, Educational Theatre. Taught by a team of two professors (one in the education field and one in the theatre field), the class is designed for future professionals that are going to working closely with people, in a business, counseling, teaching, or other relationship. The course aims to assist future professionals in being able to use theatre techniques as tools for such human relations professions. With 13 days, we're expected to produce a 20 minute play in ensembles of 5 as well as present an "personal theatre project" to illustrate our individual growth within the course.

Outside of class, I'll be working 16 hours each week between three different jobs in the fitness center, admission office, and at Hope's Hangout, an after-school program in Reading. I hope to spend time reconnecting with friends a few nights each week and using the weekends to invite friends from home to share in some of my Albright experience-most have never ever seen my apartment! I've even set some (more) goals for myself regarding my improvement in what I call "domesticating myself." Because I only have a meal plans to eat 7 meals in the campus dining hall, I'll be challenging myself to cook dinner a few nights each week. And when I write myself, I truly mean myself seeing that the "usual" cook of our household, my roommate Sarah, will not return until the 26th! I hoping that with the extra time, I'll be able to exercise the patience to prepare and cook my own meals, especially as I adjust my eating schedule for student teaching!
Interim will be a time of growth, self-reflection, and (of course) good ole' Albright fun! It's my last opportunity at school to have the freedom to stay up late, hang with friends, and celebrate the flexibility of my college schedule-especially on the weekdays!
Oh, how I'm going to miss college-well, Albright College!
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