Thus far, the group has been an incredible opportunity to discipline my daily morning scripture readings, discuss biblical questions and insights, and share praises and struggles with a few women.
Here a few facts about "T-Groups" that I grabbed off CCV's website. Take a look, it may need to be the next step you need to make in your journey with Christ!

What is a Transformation Group?
If you want to go deeper, then a T-Group is perfect for you. A T-Group is made up of three to four people, all of the same gender, who meet weekly for personal accountability for their spiritual growth and development. The goal is to become like Christ and also help others become spiritual disciples who can in turn reproduce others. Groups that have four participants should start to look at starting two new groups.
* It meets weekly for approximately one hour
* It is not co-ed, but gender specific
* It uses the Bible as the only curriculum
* A leader gives direction to the group
* Leadership may be rotated within the group
* Multiplication is expected
* T-group is not a replacement for participation in a Neighborhood group (small groups, similar to CCV PA's "home teams")
If you're interested in more information about T-Groups, view a downloadable brochure from CCV's website. This brochure shares what is accomplished in T-Groups, what the three main tasks are, and even includes a list of accountability questions! You don't have to be a member at CCV Arizona to pursue spiritual development with a few close friends. If you feel a conviction to get something started, pray about it and see where it leads! It won't be a journey that you'll regret!
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