Call me insensitive, tell me I don't have a heart, scowl at me if you'd like, but I don't like pets.
I'm not sure if it's the idea of spending extra money on their food, care, or cleaning, or the extra effort and time that goes into caring for an animal, or just the thought of a dirty house with more hair and "presents" than are necessary lying around, my passion for pets are slim to none.
In fact, in the last couple of weeks, I've gotten upset at the thought of my boyfriend admitting that he'd like to have a husky when he's older. He used to be on my side! We used to bond over our hatred for animals!
However, I do have a confession to make.
Tonight, while reluctantly checking on the cats at my mom's house (she has the pleasure of being in Tennessee on our youth group's Christ in Youth conference), I sympathized, petted, and kissed, yes, even kissed one of my cats!
Let me explain.
You see, my one cat has a broken leg, and the poor thing's leg is wrapped in a neon green cast. It's the cutest and most heart-breaking sight I've seen. I couldn't help but feel my heart crumble for the thing.
I'm not sure if it's the idea of spending extra money on their food, care, or cleaning, or the extra effort and time that goes into caring for an animal, or just the thought of a dirty house with more hair and "presents" than are necessary lying around, my passion for pets are slim to none.
In fact, in the last couple of weeks, I've gotten upset at the thought of my boyfriend admitting that he'd like to have a husky when he's older. He used to be on my side! We used to bond over our hatred for animals!
However, I do have a confession to make.
Tonight, while reluctantly checking on the cats at my mom's house (she has the pleasure of being in Tennessee on our youth group's Christ in Youth conference), I sympathized, petted, and kissed, yes, even kissed one of my cats!
Let me explain.
You see, my one cat has a broken leg, and the poor thing's leg is wrapped in a neon green cast. It's the cutest and most heart-breaking sight I've seen. I couldn't help but feel my heart crumble for the thing.

I couldn't believe what I was doing. As one minute slid into another, I easily became wrapped up in sympathizing for this animal that I usually wouldn't be caught dead showing feelings for! As I sat stroking the cat's chin, listening to her purr, I wondered how my childhood love for pets (cats in particular) transformed into a selfish ignorance for the care of animals. Am I that horrible? Selfish? Un-merciful?
I really don't want to be thought of as selfish, or uncaring, or "Melissa-focused." For a minute, I even considered the thought of owning a cat if I ever lived by myself after college. It would certainly make for a nice roommate, at least until marriage.
I can't believe I just admitted that and published it on the web.
Maybe my feelings for animals are starting to change? Do tonight's actions reflect a change in my character? I hope so! Regardless, I'm glad that I'm realizing that taking ten minutes to love a pet isn't a waste. I feel like I'm really beginning to appreciate "down time," even with animals.
I'm still not sure about a huskie though. I'm not a fan of slobber.
Cats in casts though...they've won over my heart.
haha mj you crack me remind me of my friend kate...she had a similar situation with an injured kitty!
i'm glad you chose a cat...since they are the best animal around (in my opinion)
Aren't you dog sitting this week?
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