There's a saying that goes something like: "I came to college to find friends...but I came back with sisters."
I never thought that saying would hold so true-I don't have a sister and I'm not even in a sorority! Yet, the friendships that I've made with my beautiful roommates have proven truth beyond what I first believed about the above statement.

You see, for the past two years, we've lived in the Albright on-campus apartments, known as the "Woods" for its somewhat-distant "woodsy" atmosphere away from main campus. We believe (only slightly biased, of course) that our apartment's number-C4-is the absolute most phenomenal location of the Woods. Closest to the "path" that winds to campus and the laundry room facility, we've got a prime balcony spot open to the other apartment complexes and some of the best neighbors around. We love our "C4" title and we flaunt it! We've got a HUGE homemade C4 banner, roommate pictures, and our own theme song!
In reality though, it's not the "C4" name that we love.

The reason why C4 has become such an affectionate name in my vocabulary is because of the wonderful women living in C4 that have become such an influential part of my life. These girls have become, as quoted, not only friends, but sisters, and someday, future bridesmaids.
I want to take the next few posts to introduce you to three young women who embody the splendor of true friendship. I hope that through this "C4 Series," you'll catch a glimpse at some of the most inspiring, Godly women I know. They've changed my life-and forever will be close to my heart. Nadine, Teira, and Sarah, this series is for you.

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