The scene was WONDERFUL.
I walked upstairs to our usually "Foxes and Frogs" VK teaching room to find a mob of adult and teenage volunteers. People were buzzing with conversation, the white-board was out and "drivers" were being designated, and everyone was excited with the enthusiasm of CCV's summer conferences quickly approaching. I was quickly greeted by six wonderful middle school girls who were excited to tell me that they had decided to drive in my car!
Big problem. I didn't have my car today.
Solution: find another driver willing to take six middle-school girls and a twenty-one year old who likes to sometimes act like she's in middle school.
We quickly decided that we were going to "jump" at the first driver who had six available seats.
Our lucky winner? Jeff Whitebread.
We called ourselves Jeff's Angels.

The walkie-talkie buzzed: "10-4, Jeff's Angels reporting with team Sabrina, Jill, and Kelly. We're set on our mission and we're out and running..."
The trip was fantastic. Between Jeff's talking GPS system, Kids' Camp worship music blasting in the background (did I mention that 5 of the 6 girls are on P-98, CCV's teenage worship team?), walkie-talkie dialogue, and the constant chatter of us girls, the trip had NO dull moments. Getting caught in rain, stopped by giant dogs, and held up by bathroom delays, we finally made it to Rocko's to lunch, where we got to gather around a table for some great conversation. Finishing our route around 2:30pm, we headed for ice cream and back to the building only to enthusiastically turn back on the road for a second round. We even found ourselves at the Philadelphia Premium Outlets slipping flyers on car windshields. We finally crawled back to the building around 5:45pm, one of the last teams to return.
Jeff's Angels: We were certainly a sight to see...and hear!
Even more, as a 21 year old girl passionate about watching teens take a stand for their faith, my heart skipped beats when watching the girls' faith take form. How exciting it was to watch the girls spread the gospel: whether by hanging door-hangers, verbally telling other teenagers about their camps, or sharing exciting thoughts with each other. I loved the opportunity to be a part of the girls' worlds; their stories, their questions, their adventures. It's days like these, I reflected, why it's so natural to fall in love with a burden to help teens know and mature in Christ.
Even with six girls, I'm confident Jeff enjoyed his experience with his angels, too.
I can hear the walkie-talkie now: "Jeff's Angels reporting, flyers eliminated, mission accomplished, lives overall, very, very successful day."

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