Thursday, July 16, 2009

Teaching Interview Questions

While preparing for some teaching interviews, I ran across a great article that shares "Principals' 30 Favorite Questions for Future Teachers." If any of you are preparing to one day be a teacher (or know of anyone who is preparing) this is a great source to print out and save for future reference!

Below are also some common questions that I've been asked while interviewing. Good luck!
  • I noticed you student taught at _________________. Tell me about your experience. What were your strengths and what were your weaknesses during this experience?

  • Describe a reading lesson from start to finish.

  • Tell me about some of your extra-circulars in high school and college.

  • We've been brainstorming ways to incorporate technology into the classroom. How experienced are you with a smart board?How experienced are you with a smart board?What are some of your ideas?

  • How do you measure a student's success?

  • What are some of your ideas concerning how to encourage parent involvement in a students' education?

  • It seems like you have a lot of strengths. What is an area that you are looking to improve? How do you plan to do so?

  • Do you have any questions for us?

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