Thursday, July 31, 2008


Why are there so many people hurting in this world...?

...and why can't I help them?

Let me change that.

Why are there so many people hurting in my world, and why do I fail to help them?

I wish there was a way that I could help make every marriage and relationship perfect, that I could help make every family love each other and spend time together, that I could help every teenager and young adult value themselves...

I wish I felt like I was actually doing something.

But I'm doubting myself.

I'm doubting God's timing, I'm doubting God's promises, I'm doubting God's work through me, and I'm doubting the fruit that I can't see being planted right now because I'm too busy worrying over if I'm tossing enough seeds.

What is it about doubt that so much?

John 20:27 says "stop doubting and believe." Perfect memory verse, yet much easier said than done! When will I actually learn to use the word of God as offense to questions and feelings like these? When am I going to stop worrying about doubting myself so that I can believe in God? When will I truly live out the reality that my life isn't about me, but is about serving Him?

"Stop doubting and believe."

[Okay, okay, okay...breathe.]

Although slowly-sometimes, very slowly, I'm learning that God allows for experiences, conversations, and people to interrupt the "perfect plans" of our live so that we can be reminded-again and again and again and again-who ACTUALLY is in control. Sometimes-most times-it is so easy to feel frustrated by a "lack of performance" to help people. Many times, I quickly become discouraged at these moments because of my weaknesses and incompetency. Yet, these are the beautiful moments where-if we believe-we can trust God to handle our situations in His perfect timing.

I'm learning.

Slowly but surely.

"Stop doubting and believe."


Frank Chiapperino said...

You are not weak and you are certainly not incompetent. You are a strong young woman that I have seen in action. Kids love you, teenagers love you and our church staff loves you too… even though you are an intern with a messy cubicle!

MamaJ said...

Hey girl...You're amazing. You are the kind of soul who thinks everything needs to be made better or "fixed " through you. Stop taking on burdens that are not yours to carry.. As loving as you are, a kit if baggage is not yours to carry.. you are so loved by so many...remember the writin g on the wall...(your bedroom wall) Do you know how often I visit that room where I read "Trust in the Lord with all your soul, and lead not upon you're understandin...that is probaboly the 1rst Bible verse I memorized because of the writing on your wall...It gives me strenght, when I need it, and I just want to let you know that you've passed on in so many ways. You are so strong, ans so loved by so many...dont let your doubts ever bring you down...You have a gift and HE works through you, and will continue to do so....He is in your heart, soul and mind, and works His way through you in so many ways...reassure yourself, and continue to let it happenm.